Monday, 26 December 2011

Unlock Any Huawei Modem

You can Unlock Any Huawei Modem with using Mobile partner as following.

  1. Download Unlock.rar.(for only Vodafone )
  2. Download  Unlock.rar.(for any huawei modem)
  3. Extract unlock.rar and run Huawei Unlocker.exe .
  4. Enter IMEI no. and Calculate Unlock code and Flash code.
  5. Now connect Your Huawei Mobile device wait untill device drivers install.
  6. Run Mobile Partner UTPS16. .
  7. Enter previously calculated Unlock code & Flash code whenever needed.
  8. After that follow instruction and thats it.
  9. Now You can use any Mobile Operator.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Pin a Drive or Any Folder to The Taskbar

The taskbar is just for apps and documents , but  With just a few seconds work you can pin drive icons there, too.
  1. Right-click an empty part of the desktop, select New > Text File, and open in notepad then Save as  the file to drive.exe .
  2. Drag and drop this application icon onto your taskbar, then delete the original file .
  3. Right-click your new “drive.exe” taskbar button, then right-click its file name and select Properties.
  4. Change the contents of both the Target and Start In boxes to point at the drive or folder of your choice
  5. Perhaps click Change Icon to choose an appropriate drive icon, and you’re done – that drive or folder is now available at a click.
If you face any problem then post comment……….

Add “Copy To” & “Move To” Option at Right Click Menu

Add Copy To option at right click menu  :
  1. Open Run and Type regedit and press enter.
  2. Now browse in registry to ”HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAllFilesystemObjectsshellexContextMenuHandlers”
  3. Right Click on ContextMenuHandlers then New > Key > Rename it to ” Copy To ” .
  4. Click on Copy To folder and you will find  ”Default” at right side .Double click on that key.
  5. Write  {c2fbb630-2971-11d1-a18c-00c04fd75d13}  into Value Data.
  6. Now Close Registry and right click on any file or folder you will find the option ” Copy To “.
Add Move To Option at right click menu :
  1. Open Run and Type regedit and press enter.
  2. Now browse in registry to ”HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAllFilesystemObjectsshellexContextMenuHandlers”
  3. Right Click on ContextMenuHandlers then New > Key > Rename it to “ Move To “.
  4. Click on Move To folder and you will find  ”Default” at right side .Double click on that key.
  5. Write  {c2fbb631-2971-11d1-a18c-00c04fd75d13}  into Value Data.
  6. Now Close Registry and right click on any file or folder you will find the option ” Move To “.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Explore Super Control Panel

Win 7 has changed Control Panel , but it's still too difficult to locate all the applets and options that you might need. Super Control Panel offers an easier way to access everything you could want from a single folder.
  1. Right click on empty space on your desktop and create new folder.
  2. Rename it to : Super Control Panel.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
  3. The first part, "Super Control Panel" will be the folder name, and can be whatever you want.
  4. The extension, " ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C ", must be entered exactly as it is here, though, including the curly brackets.
  5. When you press [Enter] this part of the name will disappear, and double-clicking the new folder will display shortcuts to functions more than 200 in total.

Change your Win7 Log on Screen Without any Software

  1. Go to RUN and type regedit and press Enter.
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background in REGEDIT.
  3. Double-click the DWORD key called OEMBackground (not there? Create it) and set its value to 1.
  4. Now close REGEDIT.
  5. Find the image which you want to set as log on screen and make sure its size must be less than 256 KB.
  6. Copy that image to "C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds" . (create the info\backgrounds folders if they don't exist).
  7. Rename the image to " backgroundDefault " reboot, and you should now have a custom log-on image.
  8. Alternatively, you can use a free tweaking tool to handle everything for you.Logon Screen Rotator accepts multiple images and will display a different one every time you log on.